emZED Monica Zanatta italian web and graphic designer in London


« Graphic and web design portfolio

William Wilson Cashmere, restored positi ve William Wilson Cashmere, restored negative William Wilson Cashmere, original historical logo

William Wilson Cashmere

historical logo restyling, Scotland

The digital restoration of the "William Wilson" logo has led to a more modern and usable solution, without losing the identity of the historical version.

The decoration has been redesigned by hand using a vector drawing software, simplifying it and making it cleaner, while also maintaining the native asymmetry.

The original writing has been straightened to obtain greater compactness, while maintaining the general appearance of the font. The secondary one, "Bannockburg", has been simplified to achieve a tidier impact and better reproducibility on small formats.

In terms of color, a purplish brown on cream was chosen, reminiscent of the colors of old, slightly faded prints.


Year: 2020

Portfolio websites and graphics - some works

Websites Logo design Print and packaging